SuSE Manager 1.7

一、Install SuSE-Manager 1.7

You can download SuSE Manager Appliance ISO from

  1. Start the installation by booting from SuSE Manager Appliance installation medium and select Install/Restore SuSE-Manager-Server-pg

2. Select “YES" and press “Enter"

3. Select Language in “English" and Keyboard Layout in “Ensglish"

4. License Agreement

5. Type root password

6. Select Change to configure your network interfaces

7. Configure Customer Center

8. Finish Installation

  1. SuSE Manager Setup
  2. Login to the SuSe Manager Console

2. Execute command: Yast2 susemanager_setup

3.Fllow the Wizard to setup SuSE Manager


二、Login to the Web Console

1. Open the browser to connect the SuSE Manager Web Console: “https:// ip address "

First time connect, you need to create SuSE manager administrator


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